The magnificent McKenzie River flows through our community as it makes its 90-mile trek west from the Cascades to the southernmost end of the Willamette Valley. It feeds our souls and our local economy with its scenic simplicity and its abundance of recreational appeal.
We love our home.
On September 7, 2020, winds in excess of 60 mph toppled a tree that collided with power lines causing one of the most destructive wildfires in Oregon’s history. The winds created a horizontal torch that lasted for several days.

The fire smoldered for weeks. Over 170,000 acres were scorched.
McKenzie Valley residents lost more than 500 homes and dozens of commercial buildings.
The Living Water Family Fellowship church in Blue River burned to the ground.
In the weeks following the fire, community leaders came together to help residents begin the process of rebuilding their homes and businesses. The Living Water Family Fellowship church leadership in Blue River knew they wanted to rebuild, but they decided to explore other options.

They wanted to build something that would serve the entire community — something that would bring people together while also supporting the restoration and long-term economic well-being of the McKenzie River Valley residents.
They envisioned building multiple venues that would promote tourism and create long-term sustainable economic growth — a 300-seat auditorium for business conferences and special events, and an outdoor amphitheater and recreation fields that local families could enjoy.
And, they wanted to do something more outward-focused, so they donated the land and started a public benefit nonprofit organization called The RIVER. The RIVER (Regional Intercommunity Venue for Economic Renewal) will oversee the development of the multi-venue site.